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Give the hostess a gift that makes a big difference

With a hostess gift from OvaCure, you support our work to initiate more research in ovarian cancer, and at the same time, you are giving the hostess a thoughtful gift as a gesture of appreciation.

How does it work?

Complete the form. Once you have paid, you will receive an email with a link. Click on the link and choose between three beautiful hostess cards that you can print or simply forward electronically.

A gift that will be remembered and that makes a big difference.

The gift will no doubt be remembered and perhaps even displayed on the fridge so that the recipient can be happy every day to have helped support OvaCure.

OvaCure’s operating and administration costs are covered, and your donation, therefore, goes directly 100% to research.

Give an unforgettable and unique hostess gift


OvaCure’s work for more research in this area is incredibly important. Many women with ovarian cancer are not diagnosed properly and more knowledge in the field and better treatment options are therefore absolutely essential.

Patient Ambassador at OvaCure